Bicameral Obfuscations

Bicameral Obfuscations

A series of paintings that begin with images of people, places, or things, which undergo transformative layers of erasure resulting in abstracted traces that blur the boundaries between objects and images, as forms intertwine and camouflage unfolds.


Sculptural Assemblages


Some of us can’t help but reveal our nature. Like a pentimento, an otherness emerges. These assemblages combine layered printed imagery, portraits, drawings, and patterns over porcelain, and crumpled sheets of tin.

Earth + Fire


Raku wares were first created during the Momoyama period in 16th century Japan. In the 1960s my mentor's teacher Paul Soldner, adapted Raku methods putting a contemporary western spin on this rarified tradition that I continue to use today.



An interdisciplinary collaborative project about radical queer histories.

My Cup Runneth Over

Contained in Stillness

My Cup Runneth Over

During the pandemic I found a comfort in making tea bowls; traditional forms made through the lens of my experiences living in post-industrial urban landscapes. Tea bowls for our Anthropocene age.