Rainbows Coming Out Of My Ass!

Rumor has it that Judy Garland was once confronted in the ladies’ room by a drunken fan pestering her to sing a few bars of “Over the Rainbow.” While making her exit, Judy snapped back, “Madame, I’ve got rainbows coming out of my ass!” Sometimes, that’s exactly how I feel …

Western Style Raku Fire

Andrew Cornell Robinson has been working with Raku fired ceramic since he first apprenticed to a potter in the last 1970s and early 1980s. His first mentor, Grace Bailey and his teacher Dave Cohen both studied under American ceramist Paul Soldner, who adopted and adapted Raku firing methods and popularized them in the United States in the 1960s. Andrew continues this tradition today in his studio and shares this knowledge with his friends and students.

Body as Form

A sculpture studio exploring the body as a site of intervention. Building upon the abstract principles of art and design this course serves as a pedagogical bridge between introductory sculpture and three dimensional design studios. The common vehicle for all of our three dimensional study in this course is the …

Introduction to CERAMICS

This introductory graduate level ceramic studio introduces multiple making methods from sculptural modeling, and throwing forms on the wheel, to mold making, and slip casting.

Experimental Ceramics

Expressionism and experimentation in ceramics. This course is open to artists, designers, and more experienced students who have taken Ceramic Fundamentals. Through various theme-based projects, students develop sophisticated proposals and are supported through innovative sculpture, model and mold making workshops. Ceramics can blur the lines between art, design and craft. …

Teaching Methodology: A framework for critical thinking and reflection on art

As an artist and educator, I work to facilitate open and collaborative spaces where students can grow through problem-based learning strategies, which holistically explore making skills from multiple disciplines as well as conceptual strategies to help young artists and designers build confidence in their abilities, develop visual vocabularies, and articulate …

Look and Touch / Form, Material, and Modularity

Using the slab roller, extruder, coil, pinch, or wheel, make a sequence of modular forms that explore surface variables through touch as well as sight. Consider the gestalt of texture, form, structure, rhythm, material variation and physical interaction. Actions + Deliverables The project with all deliverables is due during the …

Forensic Self Portrait

An undergraduate drawing assignment, which kicks off an interdisciplinary studio course exploring visual language and meaning.

Visualizing Ideas and Opportunities through Mood Boards

Moving beyond words and experiencing the world through our sensations can spark insights that we may act upon through the design and making of a thing. The ephemeral nature of a doodle, a sketch, a collage of images, a collection of artifacts, cumulatively can reveal a trust about the agency of things…